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Filed under: Uncategorized — mazinrage @ 03:17

alzatevi in piedi.alzatevi e urlate,urlate verso il cielo la vostra rabbia,urlate finche nn vi brucera’ la gola e continuate continuate finche’ potete; che il vostro urlo risuoni forte perche’ devono sapere che non vi possono togliere la voce ne l’anima anche se vi hanno gia’ tolto tutto.
e poi urlate in faccia a chi ogni giorno prova a togliervi qualcosa,che d’ora in poi vi riprenderete tutto,solo allora avranno paura.

se devo vivere all’inferno meglio renderlo un posto affollato no?

verità e vendetta.



Filed under: Uncategorized — mazinrage @ 04:26

perche’ io alle 4 e 30 devo sentirmi talmente male da nn riuscire a dormire? e parlo della mia schifosa psiche, e come affogare nel catrame,talmente nero e denso da nn volere fare altro che lasciarsi andare,potrei piangere.
ma le mie lacrime me le tengo strette,come antiche biglie di vetro,tesoro prezioso di un bambino che sa ancora sognare.
E allora urlo dentro la mia testa,con quanto fiato ho in corpo ma senza emettere un suono,nn ho mai agognato il sonno cosi tanto come in questo momento.

Save Me
by Edguy

Waiting for a little sign
Seems like to no avail
Strolling down the pavement aimlessly

Waitin for someone to snatch her bag of memories
How come you call it destiny?
When the cross you bear’s your only company

Never seen you, I don’t even know you’re name
But still I believe

That you are gonna save me
Somehow I got a notion
Just a little affection on this cold and windy road
Save me, from a state of un-emotion
Just a little affection on this windy road

Why so long? so confusing?
Why’s growing up hurt soo bad?
Seek what we had lost, we get found and go again
I don’t know what’s gone to me
I won’t make any promise I believe

Never seen you, I don’t even know you’re name
But still I believe

That you are gonna save me
Somehow I got a notion
Just a little affection on this cold and windy road
Save me, from a state of un-emotion
Just a little affection on this windy road

I don’t know if I can, I don’t know if I should
I don’t know what is right, and what’s to come if you would
Here I stand in rain, here in stand in the cold
I been locked into (something), another shout in my soul, no

I’m afraid of that harm
Save, save me, got a notion
That you are gonna save me
Somehow I got a notion
Just a little affection on this cold and windy road
Save me, from a state of un-emotion
Just a little affection on this windy road



Filed under: Uncategorized — mazinrage @ 01:15

si è risvegliato dinuovo,l’inquietudine si fa strada verso il cervello,mentre un fuoco sopito ricomincia a bruciare,perchè,perchè si è svegliato di nuovo? che sia ancora guerra? una guerra per tutte le guerre? brucia.sempre pù forte brucia brucerà tutto,anche me.

ma sarò io a vibrare l’ultimo colpo prima di crepare,se volete un pezzo di me venite pure a prendervelo.


Filed under: Uncategorized — mazinrage @ 18:30

l’amore è come il cancro.

Into the battles, making cages rattle
There’s a pain that’s inside us and we’re letting it out
Charge right in, we dare to fail
No one is giving in, always we live to win
A hunger turns and burns inside of all of us
And it will not be denied

Walking a path untraveled to reach higher level
Challenging always going against the grain
Blood for blood – that is the rule
And we will make the rules, never be fortune’s fool
There’s right and wrong in almost everything we do
For us we do what is right

Bulldozer feeds upon the weaker as they fall
Bulldozer crushes all

Somebody told me I should do what they told me
But there’s a hole in that plan and I’m tearing it down
Trust our guts, follow our hearts
No one can break these nuts, these lips ain’t kissing butts
The path of most resistance tests all of our strength
This strength will not be denied

Bulldozer feeds upon the weaker as they fall
Bulldozer crushes all
Bulldozer feeds upon the weaker as they fall
Bulldozer crushes all

Walking on paths untraveled
Challenging one and all
Deeper into the battles
Alone and standing tall
The more evolving changes
The more we stay the same
Full steam against the odds
Go headfirst against the grain

Full steam we go against the odds
Headfirst we go against the grain

Bulldozer goes against the odds
Bulldozer goes against the grain

Against the odds, against the grain
We go against the odds, against the grain

This is the bulldozer
This is the bulldozer

è ora di tornare bulldozer

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